Golf pro open winner hard to predict – FBC News

120 participants took part in day two of the RC Manubhai Annual Fiji Golf Club Pro Open at the golf course in Vatuwaqa.

RC Manubhai Regional Manager Central & Northern Atish Singh says it’s great to see participants turn out in numbers despite the gloomy weather this morning.

Singh adds that golfers have brought their A-game, and it will be hard to predict who the winner for this competition will be.
Singh 5pm

“As you know RC Manubhai is a household name in Fiji and when it comes to sports we try to stay close to the ground. And sponsorship is all about growing ths port of golf and today we are looking at a good set of golfers coming in and it’s very competitive and hard to predict because anything can happen.”

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The Regional Manager also expresses delight in seeing young people participating in the competition, as it aligns with their goal of tapping into grassroots level development.

The competition will conclude this afternoon in Vatuwaqa.

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